A day ago I received an email from Fergal Downes about this new product called the Free Traffic Achievr. The email said this:
Kal and I have been killing it with this method. Absolutely killing it. I made 2k the first time that I ran it and Kal is bringing in 100-200 dollar per day. Oh, and it’s free traffic! Feckin’ free. No price, no cost, just simple free traffic.
Fergal Downes
It got my attention. I’m a sucker for various traffic methods. I decided to give it a try.
What is it about?
It’s a neat little trick about Facebook marketing.
I’ve never thought about using Facebook the way Kal has been doing it.
While it’s nothing mind-blowing, it’s still a neat method, because of the way it works.
What I like the most about it is that it BRINGS RESULTS and the traffic is FREE so you don’t need to spend any money by implementing it.
I’m sure anyone could’ve figured this out by their own, but it’s always nice to see a real example that the method really works, without testing it yourself and wasting your time in case it doesn’t work.
What will you need to make this work?
1. Facebook account. You can use your own, or make a new account.
2. Be interested in the “Make Money Online” niche
3. Warrior Plus, JVZoo or Clickbank account is recommended.
Do I recommend it?
For $9.95 sure. If it would’ve cost more then no.
I feel like I’m going to start implementing this method as soon as possible, to see the results myself. I see the potential in this one.
The Free Traffic
The training comes in two forms: videos and a downloadable .pdf file. Both have the same information. It’s just a matter of which one you prefer.
The good part is that if you bought it and you’re not satisfied or you already knew about this method, you can ask for a refund in 30 days.
Are there any Bonuses?
Yes. There are four bonuses included which you’ll receive after buying this guide. They are:

I hope this review helped you to make a decision about the product.
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Have you already tried Free Traffic Achievr? Or do you have any questions about it?
Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now!