Table of Contents
I don’t remember the name of the guide, but I bought a WSO from Warrior Forum for $7 in 2017.
It had a lot of good reviews and it was only 7 bucks, so I thought why shouldn’t I get it? And so I did.
The method was simple, really simple. So I was hesitant to try it. But a little voice in my ear told me to give it a try.
What could I lose except my time?
Keep reading to see how it turned out!
The Method
I started using this method in March 2017, and I’ve made $4300+ with this method alone.
I’m not using this method anymore because YouTube changed its guidelines/algorithm and all my accounts got banned (except 1), and whenever I make new accounts with this method, the channel gets banned in a matter of days (even hours) after uploading these videos.
Also, I must mention that YouTube doesn’t allow to make Slideshows anymore (since October/November 2017?) so this method doesn’t really work as it used to. But you can make your own twist to this and it will surely work.
I’m sure you could add a twist to this method, add some extra work and it would work nowadays.
The method is as simple as it can be:
1) Make a YouTube channel. Any channel, the name doesn’t matter.
2) Make an Amazon Affiliate account if you don’t have one.
3) Search for any products on Amazon that cost more than $100. Make a list of them in excel with a product name and link.
4) Making videos.
Go to YouTube and click upload video, choose to make a slideshow (there isn’t this option anymore).
I uploaded all the pictures from the product link at Amazon, put
While the video uploads, in the title you put the Product title (exactly as it is on Amazon).
In the description I wrote something like:
Special discount on PRODUCT, click here to get it:
In tags just copy the product title.
You are probably asking what should you do if there is no discount? Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter.
All you have to get is the click to the product. The cookies will do the rest if the buyer buys anything within 24h.
Also, most of the products on Amazon has some sort of discount, so most of the time you wouldn’t have lied.
5) Done.
It took me about 5 minutes for each video to be uploaded.
Here’s an example of how the video looks (this one is not made by me):
Why would such a shitty video be profitable you ask?
Because when you upload large quantities of products like vacuum cleaners, TV’s, gardening tools, etc, many of them have little to no competition with their exact keywords.
That means you can get to Google page #1 easily with your video for this product.
People tend to look up on Google products that they are willing to buy on Amazon, especially the ones that cost at least $100.
That means for each $100 spent by other people on products, you get 4-8% from the price in affiliate commissions.
Since I uploaded products that cost on average $500, I got $20 per product on average easily.
The best part is that thanks to cookies, even if the person didn’t buy the product that I promoted, but bought another product, I still received the affiliate commission because of the cookies.
The first 200-300 videos I uploaded myself. In about 2-3 weeks I started getting my first sales.
When I saw that it took off and it works, I hired 3 people who I would pay about $0,15 per video upload.
In 3 months my workers had uploaded more than 2500 videos. The only thing that I had to do was to provide them excel files with affiliate links to products and the name of the product.
Here are my earnings from March to November.
In September my YouTube accounts got banned (all but one).

I was so fucking pissed when I got banned, because I was starting to make some great side money, and I thought it would go on for years. The real Passive Income dream.
That’s a lesson I learned the hard way – don’t put your eggs in one basket: always diversify!
Now It’s Your Turn
I hope this story inspired you in some way.
If you liked this article, read my other Case Studies here.
And now I’d like to hear from you:
Do you have any questions about this process? Or maybe you have a cool tip that I didn’t include here.
Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now!