Today I’m going to talk with Dan Jet Elson, a digital marketing expert and
In this interview, he’s going to talk about his business, struggles as an entrepreneur, football, his online fashion store and the goals for 2019.
Mr. Web Capitalist Interviews Dan Jet Elson
Could you describe what do you do and how you earn your living?
Long answer!
I’ve worked for digital marketing agencies for the past 8 years in the UK and Australia. In July I returned back to the UK set myself up as an Online M
I have an e-commerce website based on POD (print on demand) that sells festival, party and all over print appeal across the world.
And finally, I have a travel blog where I talk about my experience on the road, my experiences of being a digital nomad.
How did you get started?
Uni, I have a degree in marketing and loved how digital was becoming as so more important for businesses.
I then worked for a local car dealership, which got me introduced to digital marketing agencies.
I used this experience to join my first agency based in Leeds, and that is where I started this journey to today.
What’s your typical workday like?
It all depends. Every day is different. It’s all about having the work/life balance for me these days.
What makes You the most money?
My consulting agency. I currently have 5 clients who I offer different services so this depends on the monthly fees.
The more work, the more hours, the more money.
The way I see it, the more value and the more sales my clients make, the more services they will be interested in. My experience in agencies has taught me this.

Tell me more about your POD website. How did you come up with the idea? How do you advertise the website? Are there any struggles in this business?
Every new business has its struggles, especially in this market with
It launched in early 2018 when I was still working for an agency in Australia. You can’t imagine the hours I put into getting the idea off the ground!
Getting in at 8 pm at night and working past 12 most nights, and at the weekends. It was hard work. Especially when my friends were off enjoying the sun on the beaches! But I was determined that I needed to break out of 9 to 5 and I knew a regular income, no matter how small, it would all add up and eventually, I could quit and travel the world as a digital nomad and that is what has happened!
How I came up with the idea? I’ve always looked to alternative fashion, wearing crazy outfits and clothing and accessories when I go out and on my travels since 2015 things haven’t changed so much!
It’s fun to stand out and people are more open to speaking to you because you’re not scared to show off the real you through what you wear!
So, I took this, and launched it for others like me – I figured more people must do this too around the world and it turns out there do! Even my friends I recently met in Vegas loved out three of the same “I’m Day Drunk Good Sir” tees! These tees continue to put a smile on peoples faces and what more do you want in life?
Advertising? I’ve built up retargeting lists with video views campaigns on Facebook and reached out to influencers and bloggers to review some of my best sellers. It’s a challenge to continue to get sales but I love it!

What’s the hardest thing about being an entrepreneur?
I hardest thing is the challenge that comes with being an entrepreneur! The challenge of bringing in enough money each and every month to support yourself.
As a digital nomad, I guess I’m lucky in a way that I can live in countries in the 2nd or 3rd world where living costs are far less than the likes of UK, USA or most of Eastern Europe, which means the pressure is less so.
However, to counter this, I try and make sure I have long-term agreements in place – retainers – just like I had with clients when I worked in agencies.
This helps makes it less of a challenge each month as you can kind of predict on income and what you have to spend each month!
Oh, and time management, you’ve got to hit deadlines! That can be hard or easy depending on your personality. For me, I always add at least a day or two onto timeframes with clients because if you send it before you look amazing, send it on time? Just as good. It’s a
Which is your favorite moment in your business?
Doing what I’m employed to do, which in most cases for my current client base is to acquire new customers. Once I see a sale come through I jump around just as if I’m the owner!
Oh, and any press. I recently got my newest client on her local TV station – what a win for her! And I celebrated just as much as she did. It’s always good to celebrate the wins. These are my favorite moments!
What is your Top source of traffic?
Facebook groups and testimonials.
What do you like about online marketing?
Offering products and services to the right people at the right time, it’s the perfect form of marketing! Offer services and products to people who want them!
Helping to improve people’s lives all over the world!
Which blogs do you read?
I don’t really. When I need to find something out, or if I find an interesting article in an email newsletter I click through and read but I don’t actively read blogs.
Are there any must-have tools or resources you recommend for internet marketers?
You need to know what you’re doing and have the experience to back it up before you start to offer services to companies. Nothing worse than having either and pretending and not adding value! Go get the experience and then look to offer consulting if that is the path you want to follow.
What does the Internet Lifestyle mean to you?
Everything up to this moment has got me to this point in my life where at 30 I can do two of my passions, travel and digital marketing.
And I’m loving every minute of the journey!
As a world traveler, which are your favorite places on earth?
I always get asked “What’s your favorite place?!” which is such a difficult question, impossible question to answer! It all depends on what you at the moment.
Cheap, party, beach and crazy time? Anywhere in far east Asia!
Love unique experience, every single day? Japan!
Want to see some super cool 3000-year-old ruins? South America is your friend!
Culture, fun and all night parties? Eastern Europe!
As you can see, it all depends on what you’re after. I know what I like and I know where I want to visit, and the places I want to visit. Just like now, Peru, 2nd time since 2015 because I love it so damn much!!

I heard that you’re a fan of football. Which team are you rooting for?
Manchester United! We’ve struggled big time since Sir Alex left, and sacking our recent manager over the holidays was an interesting decision however as decisions go it seems to be one hell of a great one!
5 wins in 5, Ole (ex-player for 12 years!) has broken the record for the most wins since becoming Manchester United manager so you can’t fault him! Ole Ole Ole!
What are your goals for 2019?
Help more businesses acquire more customers, but it’s not all about money.
I want to work with businesses that have a purpose, a passion behind their business and I want to help spread these missions around the world through my knowledge and experience in the online space!
For me personally I will continue to push my monthly income so that I can continue to enjoy this life I have now because let me tell you something, it’s not been easy but now I’m here, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been!
What advice would you give to people just starting out with an online business?
Get the experience. Be in it daily. Get in an agency. Find out how they actually make money, how it all works and what results mean to clients.
Then you can branch out yourself.
Get the experience first and then launch, otherwise have very large pockets for all the mistakes you will end up making!
If you liked this interview with Dan Jet Elson, then read other cool interviews here.
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